Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer Programming!

So, in my last entry, I promised to update this at least once a week. That many weeks ago? I've lost count. Yep. I'm a liar. A big, stinking liar.

But I'm back! And Stage Left has loads of exciting summer programming coming your way.

Here's just a tiny taste of what's in store:
DrekFest: America's best (and only) festival of the world's worst ten-minute plays. Not to be missed.

Nine2Nine Intensive Writing Seminar: all day writing course that culminates in the professional staging of YOUR work. A unique opportunity at a rock-bottom recession buster price. Space is limited.

Stage Left's Greatest Hits: Staged readings of some of your favorite plays from Stage Left's illustrious history, beginning with Leander Stillwell and Burying the Bones.

Garage Sale! A chance to dig for treasures from Stage Left's wondrous storerooms. you'll come away with jaw-dropping bargains, for sure.

Not to mention Trivia Night!

All this and more, coming your way soon. Very soon! Watch this space for more details, or visit our website at

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